IGI Global, a leading academic publisher, headquartered in Hershey, PA, USA, recently announced that they will be partnering with Schweitzer Fachinformationen, a German-based independent bookstore company specializing in law, economics, and taxes for public administrators and libraries.
“With the establishment of this new partnership, IGI Global is looking to continue its commitment to the academic and research community in Germany and beyond. Through this partnership, we will be able to continually assist our German customers in accessing innovative, peer-reviewed research and support new solutions for the Schweitzer Fachinformationen specialized network.”
- Ms. Caroline Campbell, Assistant Director of Marketing and Sales
Products Available Through Schweitzer Fachinformationen
Notable Titles from Leading European Editors |
Through this new partnership, all of IGI Global’s e-books and full line of e-Book Collections will become available through Schweitzer Fachinformationen. This includes:
- Over 6,500+ E-Books: Featuring insights from over 150,000 international scholars, IGI Global’s e-books span across 350+ topics in 11 core subject areas, including:
- Business and Management
- Computer Science and IT
- Education
- Environment and Agriculture
- Government and Law
- Library and Information Science
- Media and Communications
- Medicine and Healthcare
- Science and Engineering
- Security and Forensics
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- The IGI Global e-Book Collection: A bundle of all 6,600+ IGI Global single and multi-volume reference books, handbooks of research, and encyclopedias, encompassing groundbreaking research from prominent experts worldwide.
- Knowledge Solutions e-Book Collections: Discipline-focused e-Book Collections covering major subject areas, including business, computer science and IT, education, and social sciences.
- Subject-Specific e-Book Collections: Subject-specific e-Book collections that span across 350+ topics in their 11 core subject areas.
“We are very pleased that, through the cooperation with IGI Global, we will be able to offer our libraries in DACH and BENELUX an even wider range of e-books and databases. Our academic customers greatly appreciate also being able to purchase digital specialist media from leading international publishers through us,” said Torsten Andrich, Sales Manager for Libraries at Schweitzer Fachinformationen.
Additionally, when institutions invest in the e-Book Collection, they will be able to benefit from IGI Global’s
Open Access Fee Waiver Initiative. Under this initiative, when institutions will invest in one of IGI Global’s e-Book Collections, IGI Global will match their investment with a fund to go towards providing that institution with an additional fund of to go towards 100% open access (OA) waivers. This provides a truly transformative and sustainable model of read and publish and through the matching fund
it can:
- Provide 100% OA APCs/BPCs when any faculty or staff at the institution is accepted (after the peer review) into an IGI Global journal or book.
- Assist in making the journal Platinum/Diamond OA through dedicating the matching OA APC fund to a faculty led, IGI Global journal.
- And/or provide funding to support a faculty led, IGI Global gold OA book publication.
All of the above resources are ideal for academic and research institutions, as they contain forward-thinking research that has been contributed by over 150,000 international and diverse scholars hailing from top-tier institutions, including Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard University, Stanford University, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Tsinghua University, and Australian National University, and has been featured in Web of Science and Scopus.
All of IGI Global’s electronic content are all hosted on IGI Global’s InfoSci platform, making it ideal fror online-only and hybrid environments, which provides:
- Remote Access Options (IP Authentication with Proxy, Referral URLs, and More)
- No DRM (Copy, Paste, and Print Directly from the Platform)
- Unlimited Simultaneous Access (No Additional Charge for Multi-User Access)
- Full-Text PDF and HTML Format
- COUNTER Compliant Reports and Free MARC Records
- No Additional Maintenance, Hosting, or Service Fees
- Archival Access Preservation through CLOCKSS and LOCKSS
- Formatted Citations with the Ability to Export to RefWorks and EasyBib
- And More.
For more information regarding this partnership or IGI Global’s content, e-books, or e-Collections, contact your Schweitzer Fachinformationen representative at Ansprechpersonen für Bibliotheken - Schweitzer Online (schweitzer-online.de) or your IGI Global regional representative below:
Mr. Nick Newcomer,
Senior Director of Marketing and Sales
Ms. Brittany Haynes, Sales and Marketing Coordinator
Mr. Richard Illingworth, Director of Sales (EMEA, Australia & New Zealand)
| Contact | Contact | Contact |
Über 6.500 E-Books und fachspezifische E-Book-Kollektionen sind ab sofort bestellbar.
Seit Juli 2021 kooperieren IGI Global, ein führender akademischer Verlag aus den USA, mit Schweitzer Fachinformationen, einem in Deutschland ansässigen und führenden Dienstleister für gedruckte und digitale Fachmedien aus aller Welt.
"Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir durch die Kooperation mit IGI Global unseren Bibliotheken in DACH und BENELUX ein noch größeres Angebot an E-Books und Datenbanken anbieten können. Unsere akademischen Kunden schätzen es sehr, dass sie über uns auch digitale Fachmedien von führenden internationalen Verlagen beziehen können", so Torsten Andrich, Vertriebsleiter für Bibliotheken bei Schweitzer Fachinformationen.
Durch diese neue Partnerschaft werden alle E-Books von IGI Global und eine große Bandbreite an fachspezifischen E-Book-Sammlungen über Schweitzer Fachinformationen erhältlich sein. Die gut 6.500 Titel, die das Wissen von über 150.000 internationalen Wissenschaftlern enthalten, umfassen mehr als 350 Themen in den elf Kernbereichen „Wirtschaft und Management“, „Computerwissenschaft und IT“, „Bildung“, „Umwelt und Landwirtschaft“, „Regierung und Recht“, „Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft“, „Medien und Kommunikation“, „Medizin und Gesundheitswesen“, „Wissenschaft und Technik“ sowie „Sicherheit und Forensik“. Alle elektronischen Inhalte von IGI Global werden auf der InfoSci-Plattform gehostet.
Auch IGI Global freut sich über die Zusammenarbeit mit Schweitzer Fachinformationen: „Durch diese Partnerschaft werden wir in der Lage sein, unsere deutschen Kunden kontinuierlich beim Zugang zu innovativer, von Experten begutachteter Forschung zu unterstützen und neue Lösungen für das Fachinformationsnetzwerk von Schweitzer Fachinformationen zu fördern.", so Caroline Campbell, Assistant Director of Marketing and Sales.
About IGI Global
Founded in 1988, IGI Global, an international academic publisher, is committed to producing the highest quality research (as an active full member of the Committee on Publication Ethics “COPE”) and ensuring the timely dissemination of innovative research findings through an expeditious and technologically advanced publishing process. Through their commitment to supporting the research community ahead of profitability, and taking a chance on virtually untapped topic coverage, IGI Global has been able to collaborate with over 100,000+ researchers from some of the most prominent research institutions around the world to publish the most emerging, peer-reviewed research across 350+ topics in 11 subject areas including business, computer science, education, engineering, social sciences, and more.
www.igi-global.comAbout Schweitzer Fachinformationen
When it comes to professional knowledge, Schweitzer Fachinformationen leads the way! Corporate, legal, statutory, and government clients as well as research, educational, and special libraries are provided with complete solutions for the procurement, administration and easy access to knowledge products. Our extensive service offers you a modular combinable and software managed process which allows you to access and administer your sources comfortably. Our customers thrive on a complete e-procurement environment including our integrated services. Combined with consulting we allow ourselves to be your platform for your knowledge needs. We are locally present in 24 cities and employ over 600 information professionals.
www.schweitzer-online.deNewsroom Contact
Caroline Campbell
Assistant Director of Marketing and Sales
(717) 533-8845, ext. 144