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As an internationally-recognized publisher, IGI Global’s goal is to facilitate the availability of academic excellence and disseminate innovative knowledge worldwide.
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IGI Global affirms that ethical publication practices are critical to the successful development of knowledge. Therefore, it is the policy of IGI Global to maintain high ethical standards in all publications. These standards pertain to all books, journals, chapters, and articles accepted for publication. This is in accordance with standard scientific principles and IGI Global’s position as a source of scientific knowledge.
Please use the links below to jump directly to a specific heading or simply scroll through all sections. Authors and contributors may play a number of roles in the research, writing, and preparation of submitted manuscripts.
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Please visit our Web Content Accessibility Guidelines page for more information on how we are continually working to make our content more inclusive.
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The double-blind peer review process should be fully conducted within the
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Copyright Infringement
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Allegations of copyright infringement in which the work has already been published by IGI Global will be investigated immediately upon receipt of the initial complaint.
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IGI Global acknowledges that in some cases copyright infringement can also be classified as plagiarism. In these cases, IGI Global will also undertake a review for plagiarism within the text as well as implement any further actions necessary to satisfy the requirements of the publisher’s own copyright as well as the copyright of the third party.
Dr. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, IGI Global’s Executive Editor, recently spoke about the importance of maintaining the highest ethical standards as a publisher. View his presentation entitled “
Maintaining the Integrity of Scientific Knowledge Content,” which debuted on September 14th, 2017 as a part of 2017 Peer
Review Week.
IGI Global defines plagiarism as the intentional or unintentional use of another individuals, or collection of individuals’, ideas, theories, models, equations, conclusions, research (intellectual property), and/or verbatim or paraphrased words without proper attribution to the original source.
IGI Global takes these claims very seriously and immediately will launch a full and fair investigation of the allegations to learn more about the claim. IGI Global conducts the appropriate due process in order to be fair to both the individual bringing forth the claim, as well as to the author(s) in question to ensure their side of the story is also fairly heard. As a result, the due process may take some time, as proper documentation must
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Furthermore, the manuscript will be carefully reviewed with the goal of determining if plagiarism has taken place and, if so, to what extent.
IGI Global uses iThenticate, a plagiarism detection software, to assist with the identification of plagiarized content.If it is determined that a manuscript contains plagiarism, the authors(s) will be notified promptly of the rejection of their submitted work and may be barred from consideration for future publication with IGI Global for an allotted period or indefinitely, at the publisher’s discretion. Further action may be taken as deemed necessary by the publisher based on the severity and quantity of the plagiarism. Any submissions accepted for review after the allotted period may be subject to further review by the publisher to satisfy the publisher that no plagiarism is included.
Also, work which has been found to contain plagiarism will be removed from all IGI Global e-Collection products. A statement of notification and retraction will be included at the e-Collection link providing the citation for the original work. (Please view the “Corrections and Retractions” section below for additional detail).
Simultaneous submission is defined as a work submitted to IGI Global for publication that is under review, has been previously published, or has been accepted for publication elsewhere in whole or in part. Although IGI Global acknowledges the importance of the use of previously published work to the evolving research process, work submitted for publication must show significant advances in the research conducted and should appropriately quote, cite, and attribute the earlier work for any prior research mentioned. The failure to disclose previously published work upon which the current work is based may be considered cause for investigation into allegations of plagiarism.
Below are three articles that explain the dangers of plagiarism and self-plagiarism in greater depth:
After an article or chapter is published, it may be found that major corrections must be made, or the chapter or article needs to be retracted due to ethical concerns including plagiarism. IGI Global will conduct a thorough investigation of these corrections and retractions and take the appropriate steps, as outlined below.
In the cases of plagiarized content:
Prior to 2020: Once the article or chapter in question has been fully and thoroughly investigated and confirmed to be plagiarized, IGI Global removes the specific article or chapter listing from their e-Collections and website so as to prevent accidental individual chapter or article level sales of the manuscript, and then makes a note in the remaining documentation (the physical publication and all electronic files) that the article or chapter has been retracted. The title and author information of the article or chapter is still present in the print and e-publication (PDF); however, the body text (content) is no longer present and instead the retraction statement has replaced it. The adjusted publication is resent to the printers without the plagiarized content and IGI Global’s full network of booksellers and distributors are notified and provided updated metadata feeds and the electronic content.
As of 2020: IGI Global’s retraction processes evolved further in 2020, as the academic community came forward with a more consistent and preferred method for handling plagiarized content. The article or chapter in question is still fully and thoroughly investigated before further action is taken. Once confirmed to be plagiarized, as of 2020, IGI Global now keeps the full plagiarized content (body text) within the publication; however, each page is noted with a watermark that the content is considered retracted from the publication. This is so that the various retraction monitoring databases can adjust their data appropriately and it offers even fuller transparency. The adjusted publication is resent to the printers and IGI Global’s full network of booksellers and distributors are notified and provided updated metadata feeds and the electronic content.
Regarding major corrections:
If an author, editor, or reviewer brings forth a major correction request to IGI Global, the request will be carefully reviewed and the decision to honor the change request will be made at the publisher’s discretion. Major correction requests include: changes to titles, name changes, affiliation changes, and content changes. If a change is made, the file in question will be updated appropriately and distributed out in the form of updated files and/or metadata to all impacted parties, and IGI Global will communicate with the contributors impacted.
IGI Global carefully selects its editors based on academic standing, experience, and expertise in a topic, as supported by their submitted CV prior to appointment. However, in the event that a contributor has questions or concerns, they are first encouraged to contact the editor of the publication directly.
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→ If a complaint is directed to the editor of a publication, and there is no response within 30 days, the contributor may contact the Intellectual Property and Contracts Division of IGI Global at contracts@igi-global.com.
All submissions to IGI Global publications undergo a multi-step process. The editor(s) leading the publication perform the initial evaluation of the submission to ensure it meets the coverage and follows the guidelines of the publication. If it does, then the editor will anonymize the submission to remove all contributors’ personal information and assign the manuscript for the
double-blind peer review process to reviewers within the eEditorial Discovery manuscript submission system. The editors will make a final decision on the manuscript based on the results of the peer review process. There may be several rounds of revision and additional review prior to the final decision.
Some of the reasons for complaints are:Questions or disagreement with the final decision on a manuscript, such as rejection of a submission
The Editor-in-Chief receives the authors’ argument, and after again looking at the paper, peer reviews and associate/managing editor evaluation can make a decision whether the decision to reject should stand or further investigation is needed. The person lodging the complaint should be informed of the decision with an explanation if appropriate. Decisions on appeals are final.
Complaint about the length of time from submission until a decision on publication is made
The Editor-in-Chief and/or in-house contact (where appropriate) will investigate the matter. The complainant will be given appropriate feedback. Feedback is provided to relevant stakeholders to improve processes and procedures.
Questions concerning publication ethics, e.g., researcher's, author's, or reviewer's conduct
The Editor-in-Chief follows guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The Editor-in-Chief may ask the publisher via their in-house contact for advice on difficult or complicated cases. The Editor-in-Chief decides on a course of action and provides feedback to the complainant. If the complainant remains dissatisfied with the handling of their complaint, he or she can submit the complaint to the IGI Global’s in-house journal contact or to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). More information can be found here.
A conflict of interest occurs when an entity or individual becomes unreliable because of a clash between personal (or self-serving) interests and professional duties or responsibilities and can be highly detrimental to academic publications.
- If at any time an Editor-in-Chief suspects a conflict of interest they should bring the matter to the publisher’s attention immediately (e.g. an author of submitted work is based at their same institution and on a competitive project).
- Should a reviewer experience a conflict of interest (e.g. they are aware of the article manuscript author’s identity and/or are based at the same institution), they should bring the matter to the Editor(s)-in-Chief attention immediately.
- If an author perceives that there may be a conflict of interest for their submitted work, they should include a declaration of any conflict of interest along with the article manuscript upon submission.
Competing interests include, but are not limited to: funding sources, financial interests, employment status, as well as those that go beyond financial interests (non-financial interests).
If an author is interested in having a chapter or article reproduced in a forthcoming publication (for commercial or non-commercial use), they should contact IGI Global’s Intellectual Property and Contracts Division at contracts@igi-global.com. It is recommended to consult IGI Global’s Fair Use Policy here, for further details on sharing.
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