With over a dozen years of experience as an educator at various levels, supplemented by part-time work in diverse educational capacities within K-12 education, Professor Frank Fuller's professional background strongly supports his authority on the chapter's coverage. Throughout his career, he has dedicated himself to researching ways to enhance educational outcomes for young individuals. Prof. Fuller firmly believes in equal access to quality education for all and actively strive to assist the less fortunate. Over the past decade, he has been actively engaged in the field relevant to the topic coverage, while his involvement in educational endeavors spans a period of 20 years. This extensive experience has equipped him with comprehensive training and a profound understanding of educational initiatives, enabling him to collaborate with others in working towards gradual improvements and addressing inequalities or unjust disparities that can
be rectified.
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Prof. Frank Fuller Answers Our Questions
How does your professional background support your ability to be an authority on this book's coverage?
Prof. Fuller: I have been an educator at various levels for over a dozen years now and also worked part time in various educational capacities in K-12 education. I have always strived to do research on ways to improve educational outcomes for young people. I believe that everyone should get equal access to a quality education and do what we can to help the
less fortunate.
What was the driving force or motivation for starting your chapter?
Prof. Fuller: I felt that it was important to look into education and empowering minority groups in terms of various challenges and barriers that faced underprivileged communities in Arkansas. I colleague of mine from the state and felt that the state’s education system could do more to improve upon and uplift their communities in general.
What specific problems does your chapter address?
Prof. Fuller: It dealt with the challenges to overcoming racial barriers, the issues, controversies, and problems related to education, racial disparities, and how the justice system was not sufficiently able to fix these problems and only further complicated things overall instead of leading to long-term solutions.
How does your chapter provide a solution to these problems?
Prof. Fuller: We provided goals or methods to improve upon educational quality within Arkansas and offered some alternatives to enhance positive outcomes, such as nonviolence training and strategies for persons of all backgrounds to advance change and empower minorities throughout the state.
What special organizations, or other professional affiliations give you experience in the areas covered by this book?
Prof. Fuller: I have worked with various faculty and personnel across nonprofits, government, and academia to try to get an overview of areas to work on for improvement, as well as for greater expansion of diverse learning strategies to help students across all walks of life. I taught in various school districts and colleges in order to grasp some of these challenges firsthand, as well as paint a picture of what educators can do to contribute to positive change.
Have you been recognized for academic excellence or other related achievements in this field of study?
Prof. Fuller: Lately, I have mostly been teaching in several higher education institutions in various fields and worked to assist where I can. I have gotten several teaching or tutoring contracts to work in a number of institutions and make recommendations for change in educational quality initiatives. I was awarded a departmental grant from the Ford Foundation while in graduate school to help fund part of my education.
About the Chapter Author
Frank Fuller, Ph.D., is currently an adjunct professor at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Philadelphia Campus, an adjunct professor at La Salle University, and a professional tutor at Holy Family University. He holds a political science PhD from Clark Atlanta University. Previous experience includes teaching at various colleges in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
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