About the Accessibility and Assistive
Technologies e-Book Collection
Accessibility has become a popular topic in recent years as businesses, educational institutions, and medical facilities continue to develop technologies and strategies that support those with disabilities and allow them easier access to areas of life that were previously closed to them. However, it is critical that a better understanding of the benefits these new developments provide, as well as an in-depth look into the setbacks they face, is needed to help them evolve and reach their full potential. IGI Global understands the importance of a more accessible world for all and knows a thorough discussion on past and present research is required to continue the advancement of society.
To support researchers, libraries, and institutions in creating a more accessible society, IGI Global’s expert Editorial Team has hand-selected 45+ e-books that cover key topics in the field of accessibility such as aging populations, accessible tourism, dyslexia, instructional strategies, developmental disorders, and more. It includes research from the 2010-2024 copyright year to provide a comprehensive look at the current field in order to understand future research opportunities and necessities.
Contact eresources@igi-global.com with any questions.
- Notable Publications Featured in This Collection -
All titles featured in this collection are also available individually and through IGI Global’s e-Book Collection (8,100+), GOBI Library Solutions, and Oasis, and are hosted on EBSCOHost, ProQuest’s E-Book Central, and GVRL. - Acquire Accessibility Titles at a Fraction
of Cost Through This e-Collection -
Content Purchased | | Pricing |
Current Copyright Year – One-Time Purchase 2024 (10 – 15+ titles*) | | US$ 1,030 |
Full Book List – One-Time Purchase 2010-2024 (45 – 50+ titles*) | | US$ 2,575 |
Annual Subscription 2010-2024 (45 – 50+ titles*) | | US$ 1,050 |
Evidence-Based Acquisition 2010-2024 (45 – 50+ titles*) | | US$ 1,260 |
45+ Total Books in This Collection Valued at: US$ 9,900
(Average Regular Price Per Book: US$ 220)
Average Cost Per Book as a Part of the This Collection: US$ 57 (74% Discount on Titles)
For Institutions Interested in Acquiring this e-Book Collection,
Contact IGI Global or Your Regional Representative
- Why Acquire IGI Global's Accessibility
and Assistive Technologies Collection? -
       | Insights from more than 680+ international researchers from over 45+ countries |  |
Multi-disciplinary Accessibility research that spans across major fields of study, including
business, computer science, education, and more.
 | Each publication is produced through a quality-centric, expediate, double-blind peer review publishing process |
 | No additional charge for multi-user licensing (unlimited simultaneous users), no DRM, and no embargo of content |
 | Hosted on the InfoSci® platform, providing no set-up, archiving, or maintenance fees, free MARC records, COUNTER Reports |
 | Full-text PDF and HTML format, formatted citations with the ability to export to EasyBib and Crossref, and more |
 | Titles indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, and more |

Ideal resources for
academic and research-focused institutions- Accessibility Research from Industry Leading Editors -
All of the titles below are featured in IGI Global's Accessibility Collection. | Prof. Gary A. Berg, from California State University Channel Islands, is a prolific researcher in educational technology, accessibility, and distance learning. |
 | Prof. Shigeru Ikuta is an education technologist, special educator, and teacher educator at Otsuma Women’s University with 10+ years of experience in using original handmade teaching materials in supporting students’ learning at both special needs and general schools. |  |
 | Dr. Kamila Balharová, from the Pedagogical and Psychological Counseling Center, Czech Republic, has been teaching students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities since 1998 and producing accessible website and books for people with dyslexia. |
 | Dr. Fabrizio Stasolla is an Associate Professor of Development Psychology at University Giustino Fortunato of Benevento who specializes in assistive technology for children with multiple disabilities, developmental disabilities, and more.
|  |
 | Dr. Nava R. Silton is a developmental psychologist who teaches at Marymount Manhattan College, with specialties in enhancing typical children’s sensitivity to children with disabilities, teaching social-emotional and cognitive skills to children with disabilities, and more. |