Dr. Yair Levy is an assistant professor of Management Information Systems (MIS) at the Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences at Nova Southeastern University.
Prior to joining the school, Dr. Levy was instructor and director of online learning at the College of Business Administration at Florida International University. During the mid to late 1990s, Dr. Levy assisted NASA to develop e-learning platforms as well as manage Internet and web infrastructures. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology). He received his MBA with MIS concentration and Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from Florida International University. His current research interests include value of information systems, value of online learning systems, IS and online learning effectiveness.
He is the author of Assessing the Value of E-Learning Systems. His research publications appear in theJournal of Computers & Education, International Journal of Information and Communications Technology Education(IJICTE), as well as in several conference proceedings. Additionally he published an invited chapter for Distance Learning and University Effectiveness, as well as in the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology and the Encyclopedia of Online Learning and Technology. Dr. Levy is also the recipient of the IJICTE 1(3) Editor's Award of Excellence for his paper titled “A case study of management skills comparison in online and on-campus MBA programs.”
Dr. Levy served as the executive chair of the technical program & proceedings committee for the IEEE SoutheastCon 2005 conference as well as a co-chair of the information systems track, and editor of the Proceedings for the IEEE SoutheastCon 2005. Additionally, he chaired and co-chaired multiple sessions/tracks of his research area in recognized conferences. Currently, Dr. Levy is serving as an Editorial Review Board member of the Journal of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT) and serving as an Editorial Advisory Board member of the Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government and Mobile Commerce to be published by Idea Group Reference in spring 2006. He served as a member of the technical/proceedings committee for several conferences. Moreover, Dr. Levy has been serving as a referee research reviewer for numerous national and international scientific journals, conference proceedings, as well as MIS and Information Security textbooks. He is also a frequent speaker at national and international meetings on MIS and online learning topics.
His teaching interests and courses taught include e-commerce, management information systems, information systems security, telecommunications and networking, system analysis and design, as well as enterprise architecture and infrastructure in the graduate programs.
To find out more about Dr. Levy, please visit his site: http://scis.nova.edu/~levyy/