Automation of Explainability Auditing for Image Recognition

Automation of Explainability Auditing for Image Recognition

Duleep Rathgamage Don, Jonathan Boardman, Sudhashree Sayenju, Ramazan Aygun, Yifan Zhang, Bill Franks, Sereres Johnston, George Lee, Dan Sullivan, Girish Modgil
DOI: 10.4018/IJMDEM.332882
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XAI requires artificial intelligence systems to provide explanations for their decisions and actions for review. Nevertheless, for big data systems where decisions are made frequently, it is technically impossible to have an expert monitor every decision. To solve this problem, the authors propose an explainability auditing method for image recognition whether the explanations are relevant for the decision made by a black box model, and involve an expert as needed when explanations are doubtful. The explainability auditing system classifies explanations as weak or satisfactory using a local explainability model by analyzing the image segments that impacted the decision. This version of the proposed method uses LIME to generate the local explanations as superpixels. Then a bag of image patches is extracted from the superpixels to determine their texture and evaluate the local explanations. Using a rooftop image dataset, the authors show that 95.7% of the cases to be audited can be detected by the proposed method.
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During the last decade, artificial intelligence has claimed many achievements matching or surpassing human-level performance in some application domains such as object recognition. The performance of deep learning algorithms has been boosted with the introduction of additional layers or residuals from earlier layers continued to improve the performance (He et al., 2016). However, as the complexity of models has increased, the model interpretability has decreased, and as a result such black box models have become problematic in high-stakes decision-making domains, where safe and reliable performance are critical due to the high cost associated with errors (Guidotti et al., 2018). This is exacerbated by the realization that the patterns learned by discriminative deep architectures are less robust than what previously thought and vulnerability to adversarial attacks is the rule rather than the exception. In some cases, changing a single pixel is enough to fool a trained model (Su et al., 2019). Attacks can even be carried out in the real world by, for example, attaching a piece of black tape to a stop sign (Eykholt et al., 2018).

There are many ways we may wish to employ Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods, and the choice of method and nature of the explanation should be informed by the problem context. Many different approaches to interpretability have emerged to meet this demand, and they can be categorized along several dimensions such as global vs. local, model-specific vs. model-agnostic, and intrinsic vs. post-hoc (Molnar et al., 2020; Rai, 2020). For deep neural networks, intrinsic interpretability may not be attainable. It has been noted that model interpretability and model flexibility or accuracy tend to be inversely related (Freitas, 2014). As the complexity of classification models increases, high accuracies in predictions can be achieved, but interpretability suffers. For example, Slack et al. (2019) investigate and conclude that decision trees and logistic regression are locally interpretable models while neural networks are not.

In contrast to global explainability techniques, which seek to explain the entire model (either by designing the model to be intrinsically interpretable or through an interpretable surrogate model), local explainability techniques provide explanations for individual predictions. Ribeiro et al., (2016) introduce local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) as a simple local explainability technique that generates simulated data points using random perturbations in the neighborhood of an instance to be predicted by the black-box model and fits a weighted linear regression on the simulated data to create explanations for the prediction. One of the main advantages of LIME is being model agnostic and hence, it may diminish the need for interpretable models. Usually, local explainability techniques provide interpretations of how an individual sample is analyzed, and the analysis may convince an expert to determine whether the model focuses on the right components or segments of data to make the decision. For example, Ribeiro et al. (2016), show that husky vs wolf image classification was done based on the signal of the background rather than focusing on the features of the animal. In other words, the learned model recognizes a domestic environment (e.g., home) compared to a wild environment (e.g., forest). This helps the expert determine whether the learned model is reliable or not, and this makes it a spectacular tool for individual analysis of samples. However, if the goal is to uncover systematic issues with the model, an expert must check the explanation of every sample.

Deep learning models may be trained on huge datasets of which the size may range from terabytes to petabytes. Monitoring explanations of these models by hand during the training process is out of the question. Even whenever it is possible, what matters is how those trained machine learning models behave in the wild for previously unseen data since critical decisions may rely on these models. Regardless of the possibility of manual checking, such a costly approach voids one of the main benefits of using machine learning–scalability.

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