This book will focus on futuristic research trends in management and technology. The latest research areas of artificial intelligence, aerospace engineering, air traffic management, machine learning, image processing, smart grid, biomedical engineering, human resources management, employee motivation and retention, operations management, and many more will be explored with the help of case studies, simulation, and experimental results. This book contains a wealth of research and theory across significant cognition domains supporting the broad intellectual artificial intelligence objective of developing a structured and detailed unified human and computational intelligence science.
The editors intend the book to be intellectually situated between theoretical and research. As such, the book seeks to contribute to a new critical approach to learning as a book for essential learning and for the researchers to benefit from the latest research trends.
This book will bridge the gap between future technology and the latest management issues. This book will benefit the undergraduate, graduate, researchers, and industry for a quick overview and a conceptual and practical understanding of the latest issues and trends in the field of management and technology. The futuristic research trends in management and technology will open new areas for researchers to apply their research in these fields.