Bridging the Gap Between AI, Cognitive Science, and Narratology With Narrative Generation

Bridging the Gap Between AI, Cognitive Science, and Narratology With Narrative Generation

Indexed In: PsycINFO®
Release Date: September, 2020|Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 409
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4864-6
ISBN13: 9781799848646|ISBN10: 1799848647|EISBN13: 9781799848653
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Description & Coverage

The use of cognitive science in creating stories, languages, visuals, and characters is known as narrative generation, and it has become a trending area of study. Applying artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to story development has caught the attention of professionals and researchers; however, few studies have inherited techniques used in previous literary methods and related research in social sciences. Implementing previous narratology theories to current narrative generation systems is a research area that remains unexplored.

Bridging the Gap Between AI, Cognitive Science, and Narratology With Narrative Generation is a collection of innovative research on the analysis of current practices in narrative generation systems by combining previous theories in narratology and literature with current methods of AI. The book bridges the gap between AI, cognitive science, and narratology with narrative generation in a broad sense, including other content generation, such as a novels, poems, movies, computer games, and advertisements. The book emphasizes that an important method for bridging the gap is based on designing and implementing computer programs using knowledge and methods of narratology and literary theories. In order to present an organic, systematic, and integrated combination of both the fields to develop a new research area, namely post-narratology, this book has an important place in the creation of a new research area and has an impact on both narrative generation studies, including AI and cognitive science, and narrative studies, including narratology and literary theories. It is ideally designed for academicians, researchers, and students, as well as enterprise practitioners, engineers, and creators of diverse content generation fields such as advertising production, computer game creation, comic and manga writing, and movie production.


The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:

  • Computer Game Creation
  • Content Generation
  • Film Studies
  • Literary Theories
  • Movie Production
  • Narrative Expression
  • Narrative Informatics
  • Poem Generation
  • Post-Narratology
  • Programming Languages
  • Rhetoric
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Editor/Author Biographies
Takashi Ogata, after receiving his bachelor of social science in Waseda University in 1983, he received his M.S. in Tsukuba University in 1992 and his Ph.D. in the University of Tokyo in 1995. He has industrial experience since 1983 at software development companies. Having experienced Associate Professor of the Faculty of Engineering at Yamanashi University since 1997, he is Professor of the Faculty of Software and Information Science at Iwate Prefectural University since 2005. His major research interests include artificial intelligence, cognitive science, natural language processing, narratology and literary theories, an interdisciplinary approach to the development of narrative generation systems based on AI and narratology, and the application to narrative creation and business. He is a member of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (committee), and the Japanese Association for Natural Language Processing. He is also a main manager of Literature, Cognition and Computer research group at the JCSS. He received JSAI best paper award (1996), best paper award of Japan Academy of Advertising (1996), and other academic awards.

Jumpei Ono received his Bachelor in Faculty School of Software and Information Science from Iwate Prefectural University in 2010. He received his M.S. degree and his Ph.D. in Graduate School of Software and Information Science from Iwate Prefectural University in 2014 and 2018. He is having experienced instructor of information and communication technology at Vocational School of Digital Arts Sendai since 2018, he is Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Software and Information Technology at Aomori University since 2020.. He is a member of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI), the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (JCSS), the Japanese Association for Natural Language Processing, Digital Games Research Association Japan (DiGRA Japan), and the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE). He received Excellent Student Award of the IEICE Tohoku Section (2017) and Iwate Prefectural University President’s Award (2018). His main papers include “A Study on an Automatic Narrative Generation Game Based on Gaps and Surprise: An Approach Using Table-talk Role Playing Games and an Integrated Narrative Generation System”(Ono, J., 2018, Ph.D. dissertation of Iwate Prefectural University), “Surprise-Based Narrative Generation in an Automatic Narrative Generation Game” (Ono, J. & Ogata, T., 2018, IGI Global), “Toward developing a Mechanism for Automatic Narrative Generation based on a Story Generation Model of Table-top Role Playing Game” (Ono, J. & Ogata, T., 2017, Cognitive Study), and “A Design Plan of a Game System Including an Automatic Narrative Generation Mechanism: The Entire Structure and the World Settings” (Ono, J. & Ogata, T., 2016, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life). His research interest includes narrative generation system, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, natural language processing, narratology, advertisement generation, rhetoric of surprise, and digital game and TRPG.

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