The cases of this book will provide the reader with an excellent basis of best practices for distance course delivery and learning outcomes, program based cases and cases from international authors. The field of distance education is often criticized for its lack of scholarly work to benefit the literature in the field. This case book will benefit the literature in a fast growing field.
– Deb Gearhart, Troy University, USA
This reference book on distance learning includes 15 solid chapters that emphasize the vitality of meeting the learning needs of today’s students in alignment with the learning objectives set by school administrations in higher education. It lays a good foundation for some of the curricular, pedagogical, ethical, technological, and cost-related affordances, issues, and challenges that design, development, delivery, implementation, and assessment of distance learning courses pose to schools, faculty, novice researchers, and students enrolled in these programs. With case studies additionally reporting on programs pertinent to e-Learning, online learning, and blended learning, it can be considered as one of the unique reference books in the field. Highly recommended.
– Seda Khadimally, School of Advanced Studies, University of Phoenix, USA