Calls for Papers (special): International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAPUC)

Special Issue On: Intelligent Computing in Ubiquitous Computing (ICUC)

Guest Editors
Prof. Mohammed A. Al-Hmdany, University of Fallujah, Iraq
Dr. Omer K.Jasim Mohammad, University of Fallujah , Iraq

Intelligent computing in Ubiquitous Computing (ICUC) is a special issue of the International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAPUC) that aims to present the latest researches related to new trends in intelligent computing Applications, Informatics, and Biotechnology to identify prospects and solutions for development of these important sectors as well as contribute to building a worldwide informatics society. ICUC will create a great platform to researchers, scientists, academicians and industry experts to share experiences, discuss research findings and acquire the desirable knowledge for practical exercise. It is an opportunity to present and observe the latest research, results and ideas in those areas.

The objectives of the Intelligent computing in Ubiquitous Computing (ICUC) are to bridge the knowledge gap between academia and industry. ICUC invites research papers that encompass conceptual analysis, design implementation and performance evaluation. ICUC seeks relevant contributions in the theme of intelligent computing in data sciences.

Recommended Topics
Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are not limited to) the following:

• Artificial Intelligence
• Internet and information systems development
• Bioinformatics of Diseases
• Knowledge based intelligent software engineering
• Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition
• Biomedical Signal/Image Analysis
• Design Patterns and Frameworks
• Biomedical Text Mining and Ontologies
• Intelligence Biomedical & Clinical Data Analysis
• Technology Transfer
• Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics
• Information Systems Engineering

Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners in the first Annual international Conference on Information and Sciences (AiCIS) are invited to submit papers for this special theme issue on Intelligent computing in Ubiquitous Computing (ICUC) on or before December 20, 2018. All submissions must be original and should be accepted in AiCIS after updating the contents of the accepted papers to include 30%-50% of new or rewritten material . INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at All submitted updated papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations. Finally all papers must be sent to the following e-mails: and

All inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Omer K. Jasim Mohammed
Guest Editor
International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAPUC)
Conference URL:
Organizer: University of Fallujah